Our factory, operating in Cekmekoy, Istanbul, with a closed area of 1200 m2, has the following production lines. In our slaughterhouse line, evisceration and filleting of fish such as Black Sea salmon, imported salmon, sea bass, sea bream, trout, anchovy, mackerel and bonito are carried out. Sea bass soup, shrimp casserole, sea bass roasted casserole and salmon and sea bass meatball products are prepared in our heat treatment line, and products such as lakerda and marinated shrimp are produced in our marination area. In our smoked line, we mainly smoke imported salmon and Black Sea salmon using traditional methods. Products such as sea bass, sea bream, mackerel and smoked bonito can also be prepared in line with the demands of our customers. In our frozen product line, the frozen fish are frozen and glazed. In addition, packaging of products such as imported mussels, squid and shrimp is also carried out. Our products are passed through a metal detector and taken to warehouses. In our shrimp processing line, grass shrimp caught in our country's waters are processed mechanically.

Qualty&Food Safety
To provide healthy, hygienic, high quality and safe products to our customers.
To produce under hygienic conditions in accordance with the Legal Legislation and Regulations and by fulfilling the requirements of Quality and Food Safety Management Systems.
To ensure control of Physical, Chemical and Biological Hazards at all stages from the supply chain to the customer by adopting preventive approaches.
To ensure that our employees comply with the Hygiene and Sanitation Rules and receive the necessary training.
To meet customer needs and expectations by prioritizing them.
To constantly increase business efficiency by following technological developments.
To use Quality and Food Safety Management Systems effectively and to continuously improve them.